Bitter Libertarian Lady

I sweat the petty stuff. Lots of things make me bitter. Sometimes I need to vent. Offended? Don't take it personally, just skip to the next entry and realize that I've probably forgotten about whatever irked me then and found something even more trivial to rant about. Hugs and kisses.

Friday, February 25, 2005

I've been issued more paper!

I've been issued more paper! Paper for the printer here at work, that is. This shouldn't cause quite so much excitement, but at my office paper issuing day is a big deal. Compare it to military people getting letters from home, but without the warm fuzzies of knowing your family loves you, which we trade in for the satisfaction of being able to continue working. Why is paper issuing a big deal? Because my boss decided that our printers went through toner too fast. Instead of buying a nice printer and printing on economy mode, he decided that a better option was to issue paper to everyone and make them fill the printer every time they want to use it. We're also required to log when we use the printer. Has this prevented any printer problems? Of course not. Instead we all fight over who gets to print first because their paper is already in the printer. And all I know is that the guy across the way from me owes me 3 sheets. But now I have 500 more crisp white sheets to go through before I have to threaten to injure him (or steal his parking spot, which might actually be worse) to get my 3 sheets of paper back.

Now, I don't work at some retail establishment where computing and printing is relatively unnecessary. Instead, I work at an academic institution where everything I print is actually work or school related. Half of the things I print end up on my advisor's lap, but for some reason he can't believe how much we print. Maybe if he'd stop assigning me work I wouldn't have to print so much. I should bring this up during the next group meeting. After I get my sheets of paper back from the guy across the hall.

Hugs and kisses,
The Bitter Libertarian

And thus it begins

Everyone else was doing it, so I've finally decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon (my middle school health teacher would be so disappointed that her attempts to teach us to avoid peer pressure have failed). As a reader of this blog I can promise you many things:

-I promise to waste at least 30 seconds of your day somewhere around once a week.
-I promise to provide either useful insight on some matter, or humor, but rarely both.
-And I promise that I will not turn this into a blog filled with pictures of cats or lame summaries of the mundane parts of my life.

So (insert lame metaphor about buckling up and enjoying the ride here), and welcome.

Hugs and kisses,
The Bitter Libertarian