Bitter Libertarian Lady

I sweat the petty stuff. Lots of things make me bitter. Sometimes I need to vent. Offended? Don't take it personally, just skip to the next entry and realize that I've probably forgotten about whatever irked me then and found something even more trivial to rant about. Hugs and kisses.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

On protesting

Dear Protesting Morons,

On behalf of those of us who disagree with authoritarians, I thank you for using your ample free time to protest authority. I find it funny, however, that during all of your little anti-authoritarian marches you sit around blasting authority and then getting pissed off that rich people exist and the government doesn't redistribute everyone's wealth. Redistribution of wealth is inherently authoritarian. Hello contradiction. Make up your damn minds about what you're actually protesting before going out and wasting your time and DC's time protesting.

who is exceptionally anti-authoritarian but refuses to protest because it seems that most people protesting have nothing better to do with their time and could care less what they're protesting, as long as they get a chance to break things.